Special Projects 2023

Special Projects 2023

The Ministry of Culture for Roma Arte in Nuvola

General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity
Exhibition/Information Area presenting the numerous activities related to the promotion and support of contemporary visual arts and architecture, as well as cultural and creative enterprises and urban regeneration initiatives. It will also provide an opportunity to explore public notices and projects in the various sectors of competence, and to learn about some tools, such as the web platforms developed by the DGCC that gather surveys and mapping of various forms of contemporary art and architecture.

Museo delle Civiltà, Roma
Oldest and Newest Tools of Human Beings, 2015

Victor Fotso Nyie
Suivre ses Reves, 2021
The artwork is accompanied by a video documentary:
Identità sospese

Antonio Biasiucci, 2023
P2833 n.3
P2833 n.7
P2833 n.19
P2833 n.24
P2833 n.25

MAXXI_Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo
Mario Merz
Senza Titolo (Triplo igloo), 1984 – 2002
Pedro Reyes
Ciclomóvil, 2007


Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Alberto Burri
Nero Bianco Nero, 1955


Archivio Luce Cinecittà
with two stations/installations, it will feature a miscellaneous film on modern art and a second film focused on contemporary art, creating a kind of journey that carries the visitor from twentieth-century art to today’s most contemporary expressions.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

LA CITTÀ DELLE DONNE. Un secolo di corpi femminili e Roma (1855 – 1955)
Works from the Collections of the Rome Superintendency for Cultural Heritage.

Monografic exhibition


Tutte le cose che non ti ho detto
Courtesy La Nuova Pesa, Roma

Sit down to have an idea
Courtesy Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, Texas
Giovedì 23 > Domenica 26 | Tutto il giorno – Forum,
Piano 0,
Corridoio D

Map (star) the world cloud

Legati ad un granello di sabbia

Caldi abbracci, 2022
Courtesy Mimmo Scognamiglio Artecontemporanea, Milano

Getto di Luce, 2023
Courtesy Galleria Poleschi, Milano

Dal 14 al 26 novembre 2023 – Hotel Eden, Roma
presented by di Valentina Ciarallo


Thursday –  23 November
Area Talk
• 6:00 PM – Marta Jovanović Pelle
presented by  Valentina Ciarallo

Marta Jovanović, a Serbian multimedia artist, is one of the standout performers featured in the rich Special Projects program of Roma Arte in Nuvola 2023. Founder of the “Performance Art Program” at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, she was awarded a residency at the Getty Institute in Los Angeles and has established herself artistically in both institutional and private contexts. Jovanović’s research focuses on the body and its cultural interpretations, particularly the gender constructs historically tied to it.
She is the protagonist of the award-winning film Born Just Now by Robert Adanto and currently teaches performance art at RUFA in Rome. Following performances at venues such as the Museum of Roman Civilization in Rome, the Art and Cultural Center of Hollywood, and the 55th Venice Biennale, Marta Jovanović is regarded as one of the most influential feminist artists on the international scene.
For Roma Arte in Nuvola 2023, Marta Jovanović, in collaboration with composer Federico Landini, presents a new, original performance centered on the body and the identity it carries. Using microphones and amplifiers, Jovanović offers the audience intimate and evocative sounds generated by the contact between electronic equipment and her skin, which is carefully stimulated by the sound designer.
The artist invites us to reflect on the ontological concept of existence, which is manifested in the world through our very bodies. As the sounds produced during the performance resonate throughout the spaces of La Nuvola, the audience is given the opportunity to engage with both the tangible—represented by the body—and the intangible, expressed through fleeting and elusive sounds. A composition of sounds maps the body, creating an archive of the self with which spectators can engage, observing the performance at close range and without barriers.

Friday –  24 November
Foyer, Level -1, Level 0 and Area Talk
• 12:00 AM – Simone Bacco Sottotitoli di una fuga
presented by Chiara Pagano

Area Talk
• 2:30 PM –  Anna Basti Le classique c’est chic!
presented by di Chiara Pagano
The class is open to all, no previous experience required. Spaces are limited, so reservations are necessary. For information and bookings, please contactleclassiquecestchic@gmail.com

Area Talk
• 6:00 PM – Wissal Houbabi e Roberto Paci Dalò 7 Lemi (I miei sogni)
presented by di Chiara Pagano

On November 24, Roma Arte in Nuvola – the international fair of modern and contemporary art, conceived and directed by Alessandro Nicosia and produced by C.O.R. with artistic direction by Adriana Polveroni and the consultation of Valentina Ciarallo – presents to the public Count(er)ing Beats: Sounding Perimeters for Divergent Cartographies, a project curated by artist and performer Chiara Pagano, produced by C.O.R.
Count(er)ing Beats: Sounding Perimeters for Divergent Cartographies unfolds in three performances conceived by Simone Bacco

It is a vulnerable body that flees and repositions itself in space to challenge powers and hierarchies, as seen in Simone Bacco’s performance Sottotitoli di una Fuga; it is a collective body that expands its boundaries through a re-signification and reclamation of its subjectivity and the surrounding public space, as in Anna Basti’s project Le Classique C’est Chic!; it is a desiring body that creates new, extraordinary environments and evokes distant kinships through the use of voice, as demonstrated in the performance 7LAMI by Wissal Houbabi and Roberto Paci Dalò.

Each journey, through a combination of sounds and gestures, activates a process of deterritorialization and new grounding, inviting an interrogation of memory and a repositioning of knowledge. By allowing a type of pre-verbal communication to reemerge, this process revives ancient sisterhoods while simultaneously invoking new alliances.

Saturday –  25 November
Foyer, Level -1
• Starting from 12:00 AM Letizia Cariello Wind of change
presented by Adriana Polveroni

A thread the color of blood and a needle gliding between an artist’s fingers. Hours spent sewing a sail as a metaphor for a deep suture. Never before, as in these days, has a performance managed to capture the dramatic intensity of the historical moment we are living. Because the artist’s gaze always goes beyond.

Forum, Level 0
• Starting from 3:30 PM Francesca Romana Pinzari
There is always a reason

Sunday 26 November
Foyer, Level -1, Level 0 e Area Talk
• Ore 14:31 Alice Schivardi Corvi o colombe?
presented by Valentina Ciarallo

Alice Schivardi, born in 1976, is one of the key figures in the rich portfolio of performances at Roma Arte in Nuvola 2023. Recognized by critics as a prolific representative of ‘relational art,’ Schivardi places human experience at the center of her research, examined through a careful analysis of the relationships that connect individuals. She is particularly interested in the morbid fascination that often governs people, transforming them into toxic and neurotic connections. Her performances have been staged in numerous institutions—from the Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art in Prato to the National Gallery of Rome—and she has participated in various solo and group exhibitions in both public and private venues, such as the Richard Saltoun Gallery in London, the 53rd Venice Biennale (a collateral event), the Premio Maretti for Contemporary Art at the Pan Museum in Naples, and the Imago Mundi exhibition organized by the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation.

The encounter between opposites is the central theme of Alice Schivardi’s new performance conceived for Roma Arte in Nuvola 2023. In every human being there are ravens and doves, light and shadow, purity and inclinations toward the murky. In an era where we are constantly compelled to choose between black and white, one perspective or another, the artist invites us to reflect on the theme of choice and its attendant anxiety, proposing an ideal reconciliation of opposing tensions, embodied by the participants. Through visual metaphors—using symbolic colors and totemic images throughout the performance—the audience is given the opportunity not only to engage in dialogue with the artist but also to connect with her most intimate and personal emotional dimension, discovering aspects of themselves that had previously remained hidden.
Ravens or doves? It becomes a mirror on which one can reflect upon one’s own conscience, offering the chance for a positive rethinking of self.