Awarding a stand for its meticulousness or originality in setup is a necessary act by a fair. It means recognizing the gallery’s professionalism and its ability to reinvent its proposal.
Generally, the care for a stand is something that belongs to the cultural heritage of contemporary art. However, this is not always true, as many galleries identifying with the modern art sector are now aware that a well-designed, uncluttered stand is an added value, appreciated even by collectors.
The Roma Arte in Nuvola awards highlight the importance of the care and creativity involved in setting up a stand. They outline a path we intend to develop to give proper recognition to the primary stakeholders of a fair: the galleries.
The Rediscovery of Mid-Career or Even Forgotten Artists
The rediscovery of mid-career or even forgotten artists, who have not received the recognition they deserve. An award for those dedicated to enhancing an artist’s value, bringing it back to the public’s attention through the gallery’s investment and promotion
Winners of the ‘Discovery‘ Award: Valentina Bonomo Gallery (Rome) tied with Richard Saltoun (London, Rome), featuring the artists Umberto Bignardi (Bologna) and Mario Coppola (Enna), respectively.
Best Artist Presentation for Stand, Setup, Communication, and Graphics
An award for those who go above and beyond in promoting their artist, highlighting the gallery’s responsibility and pleasure in showcasing a key representative from their roster in the best possible way—without overlooking any detail.
Winners of the ‘The Best‘ Award, tied: Richter Fine Art, Rome, and Mancaspazio Gallery, Nuoro; a special mention in this category was also awarded, tied, to Galleria d’Arte Niccoli, Parma, and Gilda Lavia, Rome.
For Best Artist Under 35
In recognition of the care and quality of the proposal with which a gallery commits to presenting a young artist.
With this award, we aim to pay proper tribute to those who, even in an increasingly competitive market, choose to invest in the discovery of young talent.
The winner of the ‘Young‘ Award is Yuxiang Wang (China) from Mimmo Scognamiglio gallery, Milan, with a special mention also awarded to artist Amelie Peace from C + N Canepaneri gallery, Genoa/Milan