Awards 2022


Awarding a stand for its meticulousness or originality in setup is a necessary act by a fair. It means recognizing the gallery’s professionalism and its ability to reinvent its proposal.

Generally, the care for a stand is something that belongs to the cultural heritage of contemporary art. However, this is not always true, as many galleries identifying with the modern art sector are now aware that a well-designed, uncluttered stand is an added value, appreciated even by collectors.

The Roma Arte in Nuvola awards highlight the importance of the care and creativity involved in setting up a stand. They outline a path we intend to develop to give proper recognition to the primary stakeholders of a fair: the galleries.


“Best Artist Presentation for Stand, Setup, Communication, and Graphics.
We want to reward those who put the most effort into promoting their own artist. Emphasizing the responsibility and pleasure of a gallery in presenting a leading figure from their roster in the best possible way. Without overlooking any detail.

Awarded Galleries:
Galleria Alberta Pane – Venezia, Parigi
Richard Saltoun – Londra, Roma


For the most original stand setup.
Presenting an artist in the best possible way means doing it in a way that is unforgettable. In a word: original. A bit visionary and… a bit rock

Awarded Gallery:
NM Contemporary – Monaco


Best Under-35 Artist.
The award is offered by Regione Lazio to encourage and promote young artists born or working in Lazio (under 35), presented convincingly by those galleries that generously invest in them.

Awarded gallery
Galleria Benappi – Torino
with the artist Guendalina Urbani


Best Setup Among Modern Art Galleries
It is commonly believed that this sector does not pay the same attention to stand setup as contemporary art galleries do. We want to dispel this notion by encouraging quality in stand presentation. And to reward those in the modern art field who invest in enhancing their booth.

Awarded gallery
ED Gallery – Piacenza