This year’s focus addresses specific and highly relevant issues on the contemporary art agenda.
Friday – 18 november at 04:00 PM
“Art at a Critical Point”
A reflection on the most pressing issues currently affecting the art world.
Moderator: Paola Ugolini
Saturday – 19 november at 03:30 PM
“Collectors Team Up!”
Collector groups, whether independent or associated with a museum, are increasingly numerous and significant. They are given the floor to better understand a growing phenomenon.
Moderator: Nicola Zanella
Saturday – 19 november at 05:00 PM
“The New Challenges of Collecting: NFTs, Crypto Art, and the Metaverse”
Focus on the phenomenon of Non-Fungible Tokens and the Metaverse as a new art environment.
Presented by Valentina Ciarallo
Moderator: Carolina Conforti Co-founder of “The Art Talk Magazine”.
Sunday – 20 november at 4:00 PM
“Is Rome the Rising City?”
The focus returns to Rome, highlighting the positive trend repeatedly noted by entrepreneurs to invest in the capital, with an eye towards culture.
Moderator: Sabrina Donadel